Friday, May 21, 2010

"Success is Imperative Tour 2010" with Sandra Yancey

Those of us lucky enough to be available for our May 20th Accelerated Networking Event enjoyed the inspiration, and attitudes of our founder, Sandra Yancey. She arrived in Columbus after visiting four cities already by Wednesday evening. She was fresh, full of spirit and amazingly focused on what Columbus needs.

I sent out a late and hasty email once she had agreed that she would be up for "an hour" of hanging with the girls upon arrival. Then I called the members that had expressly told me that they were interested in doing just that if she was up to it.

We had ten women show up at J. Alexanders in Worthington. It was truly the highlight of her visit for me. She got to let loose and enjoy our enthusiasm and engage in our stories of "making it" in this business climate that we all naviagate through. Shelle Fisher Davis even came to take photos of us as we played and were silly!

This exciting venture of taking eWomen Columbus to the next level is so much fun for me. I am enjoying the pursuit of intelligent and fulfilled women looking to give back. I am enjoying the recommendations from our members of women that should be among us. I am enjoying the challenges that we all face, in different ways. This is exhilerating for me. This is what makes it all worthwhile.

Please give feedback and tell me how we are doing!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

eWomen Is Challenged to Give Back More

Yesterday I was meeting with a prospective member about why she should join eWomen Network Columbus. As we talked about the National exposure, the local support and the sheer energy of a group this strong and connected, my mind kept wandering to a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Giving back.

eWomen helps every woman that we come into contact with. We nurture, we consol, we extremely connect and connect the dots. But are we doing enough to give back in our dear city
Columbus Ohio? I think not. I would like to start a movement within our Columbus Chapter to be the leaders of giving back, by women locally. It will take a huge push. And yes folks, I have alot on my plate. But the reality is this: If you do not take care of others that are less fortunate as you, you are doing nothing. Most of those in need in Columbus are women. So to hold ourselves up and focus on our businesses, is noble, and strong. As we do it, holding up someone that has fewer prospects, and needs a smaller step to get started is not such a huge feat.

Sandra Yancey comes to spend a day with our chapter next week. After she is gone and the conference is given center stage and everyone is set to go, I want to do something a bit more radical with the chapter.

I would like to create a direction of giving back. This will take recruitment of the women that are also interested in doing this. This will take the drive, and stalwart passion of knowing the difference that it can make. This will take us all becoming involved in something bigger than ourselves.

Monday, May 3, 2010

eWomen Network Columbus has an exciting spring planned!

If you have not seen us lately, you do not know us! We have programming set for the rest of the year (almost all confirmed and approved) and we are reaching out to numerous women's groups, boards, internal corporate groups, Chamber of Commerce women, and women in individual associations for different market segments.

We are multiplying our numbers, expanding our influence and making some noise.

Join us for Sandra Yancey on May 20th. Get a vendor table. We are expecting between 100 adn 200 people in attendance. We have so much to do!