Thursday, December 30, 2010

Linda Clemens Kicks off 2011 for eWomen Network

We are lucky to be sharing the spotlight in January with one of the most amazing women in the US. Linda Clemens has inspired so many women to reach their potential of sales and productivity in their companies. She comes from a solid over achieving background of sales sales sales, that her energy and enthusiasm for it will overtake any objection your clients might have been socking you with. Linda is one of those personalities that commands a room of people to listen to her journey, his wisdom and her sound advice for gaining the momentum to move your company forward in the worst of times. She is a true sales pro. The winner of countless awards of excellency in the selling arena, Linda comes to us with a solid foundation of advice and leadership.

We welcome Linda to our chapter events for January 12th and 13th 2011.

January 12, 2011 7PM The Wine Bistro hosts us
Sister Circles to Boost 2011 for a select few women of Columbus.
We are almost sold out for this event, so go online and register today.
Up close and personal with a small intimate gathering of key women in
our chapter. This is not open to guests or non members. This event focuses
on OUR leaders and OUR vision, but mostly on YOUR business, and YOUR goals
for 2011.

January 13, 2011 11:00 AM - 2:00PM The Wine Bistro hosts us
Accelerated Networking Event with Linda Clemens at the podium
leading us in countless goal setting and enthusiasm for OUR needs.
Don't miss this chance to spend time with a person who does what you
need to do, everyday. Go online and register for this amazing Columbus event!

thank you for reading.
thank you for being a part of the future of Columbus.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Was such an amazing year!!

So at the end of a year, it is time to reach into your soul and see what really occurred that was meaningful and real. There are so many that it will take me a moment.

When first joining the ranks of Managing Director Dome of Columbus Ohio, I was terribly intimidated by the professional women that make up our ranks. That soon disipated into
vast respect and admiration. I have learned so much from these wonderful upfront, and
open personalities that fill Columbus with their ethics and their gifts.

To be ranked among them is the greatest gift that I received in 2010. I am in awe of their
ability to give, no matter what. To listen and absorb the lessons of other women, and occasionally, other men as well!

We have had amazing events, filled with wondrous speakers that gave of them selves and inspired us to change the way we think, and often the way we do business!
We became healthier by learning about the sustainability of our local farms. We had countless
vendors attend our events. They shared their products, their visions and their passion with all of us at eWomen Network Columbus! We thank all of those that spent time teaching us more about what they do to create a spirit of entrepreneurship in Columbus unlike any other community.

I am honored to be here to begin another year of amazing programming. I am humbled to be leading those that teach me every day. Thank you for being amongst us!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Foodies! Sustainable, Local and Organic

On September 9th we have the extreme pleasure of welcoming Jaime Moore of Wayward Seed Farms and Tricia Wheeler editor of Edible Columbus Magazine to speak at our Accelerated Networking Event.

They come from a background and foreground of good food in Columbus. Our members are busy, and vital in their lives. Providing sources for good food for their families is always a focus.

We will also have food tastings around the room to our hearts content!

With Accelerated Networking with all attendees, this promises to be an exciting time
for us at the Jessing Center. We are limited in how many WOW tables we have for vendors,
due to our popular subject matter.

We are also limited in our seating capacity. So please reserve your space by going online to: click on the little US flag in the upper right corner. When you go to Columbus Ohio, you can reserve your space!! Looking forward to seeing you!

If you don't know how to do the above... email me at and I will assist you! I would love to!

Thanks to all our amazing members!
Connie Lane Christy, ASID
Managing Director
Columbus Ohio
eWomen Network

Monday, August 2, 2010

Meeting Amazing Women at our International Conference

I have been back from conference for two weeks, and it feels like two days. I had to leave many projects barely begun or behind.

I am just processing all of the contacts and speaker ideas that I got during the week that I was away from Christy Collection Inc. I met Lisa Nichols (Author of "The Secret"). I met Marsha Wieder, author to several books about business and growth. I met Loral Langmeier, celebrated author and speaker about Money and how to Make more of it! I met Linda Clemens, author and inspirational speaker about Women and Business topics. All of the amazing women above have been booked as speakers in Columbus Ohio for eWomen Network. I can hardly breathe, I am so excited.

To say that our events for the next 8 months are exploding is a small point! Saying that our members do not even realize the expectations I have for growth and learning, is an understatement.

Going to Conference as the Managing Director for Columbus Ohio was such a thrill. It was beyond anything that I had heard about. It was a life changing event.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent you to our peers and colleagues.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tenth eWomen Network Conference in Dallas

There are not simple words to express the experience of spending four days with some of the most dynamic women on the planet! eWomen Network does this annually with the spirit of celebrating women and embracing the feminine spirit.

As Managing Director for Columbus I arrived a few days early to spend time with fellow Managing Directors in learning the latest accomplishments of the most successful MD's in
the country. We spent time working on best practices. We spent time sharing horror stories and success stories. Many of us were fairly new. I was one of them. I waas matched up with Rae Lynne Stewart of Portland Oregon to share a room. Getting to know Rae Lynne was one of the highlights of my trip. She is brand new, full of promise, and a lovely person.

Each Columbus member that made the trip to Dallas has a different story. We all absorbed different parts of World Class Speakers, Premier Coaches, and decadent events. We all made different friends, had different sacred moments and shared of ourselves in our own ways! As we re enter our lives and sort through the the business cards, and send emails to our closest contacts, we explain the experience in our own ways. We laugh at ourselves, at our fatigue, at our excitement. We all danced. We all ate, and we all embraced marvelous women.

Now the work begins of propelling Columbus into a new level of sharing and connecting women, to grow their businesses and support their lives.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Columbus eWomen Network is Poised for Growth

I took the reins of eWomen Network here in Columbus in March. Those first few weeks were so overwhelming, I did not know how I would ever learn it all. The past director was generous and forthright. The members embraced me with their hearts and helped me in every way possible. I was assisted with every stumble. I felt their support constantly.

We are growing. We are reaching out to the other women in Columbus to see if they would like to grow with us. We are colaborating with other women's groups to have better events that have more impact. We are embracing their leadership and sharing ideas and direction. We have connected and opened our minds to new ways of doing things with WCCO. We are set to expand our membership beyond our wildest dreams. We are becoming more diverse with whom is joining. We are reaching goals that we set.

Our programming is challenging not only our membership, but corporate. We are being current and provoking in our approach. We are tackling topics that our members care about. It is exhilerating being here with you experiencing this.

As we begin our second half of the year and our second quarter with me at the helm, I wanted to send thanks to everyone involved. You have all helped me through this process. I could not have done it alone, and never will. Thank you for all the help and for your patience.

Conference Time is Time for Growth

It is almost upon us. We plan all year and listen to all the developments with rapture and longing for the days to get here. Publishing your book finally. Meeting that coach in San Diego or Anchorage and knowing that your connection is real.

Since I became the Managing Director of Columbus Ohio I have heard glowing reports of our international conference in Dallas in July. Now it is less than a week away, and my planning is almost complete. My program schedule for the rest of the year is almost totally set and I almost actually deserve to go. We have over 20 members traveling to Conference this year. It shows how powerful it is for so many to engage in it, and travel so far.

Sandra Yancey is a remarkable woman. She shares, and cares about us. She laughs at herself and embraces change within. She is someone to emulate, and someone to get to know. I cannot wait.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Joint Quarterly Events with WCCO Women's Groups?

I had a productive and informative meeting this morning with the leaders of several women's organizations in Columbus. We are kicking around an idea to have joint events involving every group every quarter. We would take turns planning them. The idea is to bring in a National speaker and invite everyone. We all get to work together. We all get to take turns doing the work. Columbus Women benefit from stronger programming and knowing each other. This is my dream. This is my focus.

eWomen Network is strong and growing. Our goals are expanding to include not just women business connections, but to connect women to each other and to resources that provide a whole life experience that makes it easier to be successful. We all must support one another to do what is best for our companies, our families and our lives. We have made so much progress since March of 2010. And we have so far to go.

I have agreed to promote events of sister organizations on our weekly email to members. I have agreed to spearhead the idea that we have a quarterly joint event. I have no problem getting it started.

What do you think?

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Success is Imperative Tour 2010" with Sandra Yancey

Those of us lucky enough to be available for our May 20th Accelerated Networking Event enjoyed the inspiration, and attitudes of our founder, Sandra Yancey. She arrived in Columbus after visiting four cities already by Wednesday evening. She was fresh, full of spirit and amazingly focused on what Columbus needs.

I sent out a late and hasty email once she had agreed that she would be up for "an hour" of hanging with the girls upon arrival. Then I called the members that had expressly told me that they were interested in doing just that if she was up to it.

We had ten women show up at J. Alexanders in Worthington. It was truly the highlight of her visit for me. She got to let loose and enjoy our enthusiasm and engage in our stories of "making it" in this business climate that we all naviagate through. Shelle Fisher Davis even came to take photos of us as we played and were silly!

This exciting venture of taking eWomen Columbus to the next level is so much fun for me. I am enjoying the pursuit of intelligent and fulfilled women looking to give back. I am enjoying the recommendations from our members of women that should be among us. I am enjoying the challenges that we all face, in different ways. This is exhilerating for me. This is what makes it all worthwhile.

Please give feedback and tell me how we are doing!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

eWomen Is Challenged to Give Back More

Yesterday I was meeting with a prospective member about why she should join eWomen Network Columbus. As we talked about the National exposure, the local support and the sheer energy of a group this strong and connected, my mind kept wandering to a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Giving back.

eWomen helps every woman that we come into contact with. We nurture, we consol, we extremely connect and connect the dots. But are we doing enough to give back in our dear city
Columbus Ohio? I think not. I would like to start a movement within our Columbus Chapter to be the leaders of giving back, by women locally. It will take a huge push. And yes folks, I have alot on my plate. But the reality is this: If you do not take care of others that are less fortunate as you, you are doing nothing. Most of those in need in Columbus are women. So to hold ourselves up and focus on our businesses, is noble, and strong. As we do it, holding up someone that has fewer prospects, and needs a smaller step to get started is not such a huge feat.

Sandra Yancey comes to spend a day with our chapter next week. After she is gone and the conference is given center stage and everyone is set to go, I want to do something a bit more radical with the chapter.

I would like to create a direction of giving back. This will take recruitment of the women that are also interested in doing this. This will take the drive, and stalwart passion of knowing the difference that it can make. This will take us all becoming involved in something bigger than ourselves.

Monday, May 3, 2010

eWomen Network Columbus has an exciting spring planned!

If you have not seen us lately, you do not know us! We have programming set for the rest of the year (almost all confirmed and approved) and we are reaching out to numerous women's groups, boards, internal corporate groups, Chamber of Commerce women, and women in individual associations for different market segments.

We are multiplying our numbers, expanding our influence and making some noise.

Join us for Sandra Yancey on May 20th. Get a vendor table. We are expecting between 100 adn 200 people in attendance. We have so much to do!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strategic Business Introductions this summer

I can think of no better way to reach women in Columbus that need to know us, than our Strategic Business Introductions.

It is a very small and personal venue. Which is why I think they are so important. We limit our gathering to 8 women as guests. I host the event for these selected superstars of Columbus. They are recommended by eWomen Members that I trust for input. We come together in a private walled setting and delve into some of the trade secrets of eWomen Network and the success of it's members.

We give eight women a chance to experience personal seven on one input and support. We put our heart on our sleeves and dig in for an experience that will not soon be forgotten. eWomen knows how to reach us to ask for support, and to give support.

Stategic Business Introductions are a very personal way to know if our chapter can serve you and give your business and personal life what it needs to reach another level. It is a process and a vehicle for success for our members and potential members.

Being the new kid on the block, I welcome this chance to get to know you and work in a small group setting for problem solving close to home.

If you have not given me 8 people in your life that should belong to eWomen, please email me now. Share the remarkable women in your life, and maybe just maybe, the growth of members, will result in growth for all of us. Thank you for doing this for your Chapter.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quarterly Orientation with premier coach Melissa Hoffman

Tonight we had a successful quarterly orientation call with our Premier Coach Melissa Hoffman.
She is dynamic, well poised to make you more successful in eWomen Network and in your business endeavors! Melissa has helped so many members with their two free coaching sessions as a member of eWomen Network. She helped us all on the call to access our profiles, and edit our profiles, to make us more searchable worldwide.

Melissa was certainly patient with all of our questions and gave us great insight into how to be more successful with our participation in eWomen Network.

Melissa will do this every quarter to help us thrive in a growing market and a growing chapter.

Thanks for joining us and stay tuned for more information coming your way. Join us, get active and get involved. There is room on the Leadership Team. There is always something that we can do together to get you more exposure!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is a HUGE machine that I just happen to be directing.

Well my fellow bloggers. eWomen Network Columbus is on a major roll.

The Team Leaders are helping me in so many ways. I feel like I have just turned a corner and felt a blast of fresh air.

We have Sandra Yancey coming to Columbus in May (May 20th at 11:30 at the Josephinium
Jessing Conference Center). She brings with her a wealth of experience, a wave of enthusiasm and the power to propel us to the next level. I am privledged and thrilled to be a part of the huge force bringing this together.

I have a checklist that is Four pages long... and I just keep at it. I am attempting to call every member of eWomen Network Columbus before Friday night. It is just possible that I might be able to get this done.

I need everyone to give me feedback and find a way to contribute. This is a job in need of a village to help.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Managing Director Conference Call Tomorrow

Back from Jamaica and back in the saddle. I spent the day catching up, viewing training materials and reading manuals. There is so much to know about our history, our vision and our direction. I am so very excited to join the ranks of those in the know.

My job is to connect successful women to other successful women to create a synergy and excitement in Columbus Ohio. I have the tools at my fingertips to do this. Now I get to enjoy the momentum as it builds.

Our April 15th meeting with the Women's Council of Realtors is shaping up to be fantastic.
We will be sharing our Accelerated Networking tools with them and connecting our members with some of the more dynamic women in Columbus that are involved in real estate.

I hope that everyone gets to join us. This is one event that is not to be missed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gearing up for April 15th

There is so much to learn as a new managing director for Columbus.

I am in Jamaica this week on a vacation to just kind of chill with my
youngest. She is a delight to be with and gives me lots of downtime to
study all the documents that I need to study and plug into the training
documents that I am determined to be proficient on, very rapidly!

I continue to get daily emails from wonderful members working hard for
the eWomen Network group in Columbus. We have so much talent in our
midst. I continue to hope to be worthy of this great endeavor.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gathering up the Tools to SERVE you with gusto

I have met with Cindi Marshall twice in the last two days. She has turned over the reins and sent her blessings for our success and enthusiasm.

We start out the gate with the exuberance of a child with our vision clearly in place. Corporate has given us such a great start to set our sails. They guide us with wisdom and grace. They lead with the voice of true experience in knowing how to build on this process and share our gifts with the women of Columbus.

I am more than excited. I have the momentum growing beneath this groundswell of talent and sheer joy at the prospect of growing and learning from each other.

Never before have I seen such tools given to such talent. Never before have I felt such pride in being a part of something that shapes us all. I am so happy to be here. I am so happy to launch this next chapter and involve all of us in the vision and the goal of reaching the professional women in Columbus and filling our ranks with their talent, wisdom and charm.

Lets go Columbus.

eWomen Network Columbus Ohio is under new management

Last week, at the March 18th Accelerated Networking Meeting for eWomen Network I was introduced to the attending members. It was so exciting to actually be in the room when Cindy Earl of Cleveland, one of our founding Managing Directors made a presentation about how Accelerated Networking is done. We then did a round of it and the fun began.

We then heard a presentation by two of our members about professional dress and how it has changed. We all learned so much from these two successful women. I took home many ideas of how to add "value" to my wardrobe and the faux pas that I might be making. We all have so much to learn about how others percieve us.

We then had another round of Accelerated Networking, and the room was abuzz.

It is with great pleasure that I join the ranks of Managing Directors across the country. I have big shoes to fill with the departure of a person that the chapter loved, Cindi Marshall. I recently met with Cindi and was enamoured with her personal style, her dedication to the goals of eWomen Network and her professionalism. I am transitioning into the role with the help of so many people on the Management Team, and so much great input from Table Leaders, as well as general members. I may ask of you many things in the coming months that I am not sure of. There is so much to learn, and it is fascinating to be a part of such a tremendous opportunity for women in Columbus Ohio.

I have had countless conference calls with Saralyn Collins, my mentor at Corporate. I have been guided in the countless stips by Dale Martin. The support that I am receiving from Corporate is wonderful. I am so pleased to be a part of your ranks.

We are poised and ready for our huge April 15th joint meeting with The Women's Realtor Council. We are expecting a huge turn out, so grab the limited Showcase Table space that is availabe, and get your reservations in. We are meeting at a wonderful new place that seems to be central to most of Columbus, based on the feedback that I have received to date. The Joshephnium Pontifical College has a Conference Center called The Jessing. They also have their own catering staff called "Mass Appeal". We are all set with room for about ten Showcase Tables and enough members of both groups to keep this evening very exciting and full of opportunities to meet successful women in Columbus and expand our businesses.

Please register early. I am so excited to meet all of you and start to talk about our plans for the rest of 2010 and beyond.

Connie Lane Christy
Managing Director
Columbus Ohio
eWomen Network